Renters Insurance in and around Greenwood
Your renters insurance search is over, Greenwood
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

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Protecting What You Own In Your Rental Home
It may feel like a lot to think through your sand volleyball league, work, managing your side business, as well as providers and coverage options for renters insurance. State Farm offers straightforward assistance and unbelievable coverage for your appliances, mementos and videogame systems in your rented property. When mishaps occur, State Farm can help.
Your renters insurance search is over, Greenwood
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

Renters Insurance You Can Count On
You may be skeptical that Renters insurance can help you, but what many renters don't know is that your landlord's insurance generally only covers the structure of the townhome. The cost of replacing your personal property can be substantial. With State Farm's Renters insurance, you have a good neighbor who can help when windstorms or tornadoes occur.
If you're looking for a committed provider that offers a free quote on a renters policy, contact State Farm agent Leonard Smiertelny today.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Leonard at (317) 881-2110 or visit our FAQ page.
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Leonard Smiertelny
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Ways to go green at home
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Part of being a good neighbor is taking care of the world around you. We share ways to go green at home and offer low-waste living tips.
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